Here we see Baby A or maybe I should say Baby A sees us. She is on her side looking straight at us wondering what in the world keeps pushing on mommy's tummy.

Apparently Baby A has had enough of us and has decided to look away. We now see her profile.

And here is Baby B. She is looking at us now. I'm not sure if that's a foot or a hand, but I'd like to think it is her hand waving at us. Hey Baby! we see you!
Well, this last ultrasound showed no change in Julie's cervix which is good news. She has had lots of contractions but only on two occassions have they warranted the use of medicine to try to slow them down. Most of the contractions are from an irritable uterus. She is also experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions which are normal for this stage of the pregnancy. The woman in the room next to us delivered twins at 29 weeks. The babies weighed 3 lbs 3 ozs and 3 lbs 13 ozs. They are doing well, but the babies will probably be kept in the hospital for 6 weeks. She was on bed rest after having a successful cerclage. We are at the 21st week and we are going to try to make it to 34 or more weeks. Please pray for us and the babies. Thanks and may God bless you and yours.